Tuesday 23rd April 2024
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Motivation Questionnaire

Please answer the following questions.


SECTION 1 - Personal details




Country of residence:   

If not a British citizen, number of years resident in the UK:   

Town / City:   

Relationship Status:   

Number of Children:   


SECTION 2 - Dance Background

Number of years dancing Lindy Hop:   

Number of years dancing in total including other forms of dance:   

Do you have a regular dance partner:   

If you have a regular dance partner, are you romantically involved with him / her?:   

If you do not have a regular dance partner,
   are there a few people with whom you dance regularly?:   

How often do you do the following:

   Social Lindy Dancing:   

   Lindy Classes as part of club night:   

   Studio Lindy Classes:   

   Workshops and camps (as a student):   

   Performance Lindy:   

   Competition Lindy:   

   Teach Lindy:   


SECTION 3 - Participation Motives

We all dance Lindy Hop for a variety of reasons. Please rate how important each of these reasons are to you for participating in Lindy Hop. Please rate each of these reasons on how important a part they play in your motivation for participating.

I dance the Lindy Hop:

   for the sense of achievement I get when dancing or mastering a new step:   

   for the environment / places where it is danced:   

   for fitness and health reasons:   

   for the people involved in Lindy Hop:   

   for the stress relief:   

   for the physical pleasure and sensations from the movements of the dance:   

   for the self-expression and creativity involved in the dance:   

   for the development of my career / future career in Lindy Hop:   

   for the music:   

Please state any other reasons you have for dancing Lindy Hop that are not included above.


SECTION 4 - Future Involvement in Lindy Hop

Please answer the following questions in regards to your future involvement in Lindy Hop:

   I want to dance Lindy Hop socially in the future:   

   I want to perform Lindy Hop in the future:   

   I want to teach Lindy Hop in the future:   

   I want to compete in Lindy Hop in the future:   

   I want my involvement in Lindy Hop to be :   



Click the 'Submit' button to complete this survey.   



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